5 Signs You're a Weak Man

5 Signs You're a Weak Man

Snap out of it.

You need to wake the f&*k up and come to terms with reality if you're a loser and make the required changes (if the following applies). Men are not women, we don't have the luxury of marrying someone "better" than us.

For the male experience, we have the burden of performance. So how are you doing? When I hit 30 years old, I was technically a loser.

An out of shape, broke English teacher making barely enough money to live. My savings from my time as a well paid employee of PWC and my time spent in the Air Force draining down, no assets to my name.

The only thing I had going for me was that I decided I was going to stay abroad and figure it out. It was risky, my real self and ideal self we're out of alignment which brought a lot of unhappiness but it did provide the motivation to work.

How to Turn Your Life Around (Zero to Hero)
Ever wonder why some people are doing better than you? They have better everything. Better lives, better relationships, more travel, more money, more sex, fun and happiness? Ever really wonder what they are doing differently? You should because success is predictable and you can create it it for yourself as

I knew my situation was terrible, but at least I was making the changes to become better. So, looking back, here are some clear signs you're a weak man.

You have no idea how to fight

Look, I get it. Not everyone has a talent for violence as I like to call it. Some guys can just fight. It's a gift that can be developed similar to having a talent for basketball, running or any other sport.

But you still need to know how to block and properly throw a punch as a man. You need to have the confidence in yourself to fight when need be. Also, by no means am I stating that I fight like a demon or anything.

It's just that I've been on both sides of the coin.

A goofy, out of shape 20 something who looked weak and was a target for predatory people, to a more mature guy who's in shape and looks competent.

When you look like the man, you're treated like the man. So, to stop being a weak man I strongly suggest taking up a combat sport of your choice.

I did karate as a kid, then wrestling in High School. Now as a grown man, I've developed a love for Muay Thai and boxing. You can read more on that here:

5 Life Lessons Learned from Muay Thai Training
I’ve been doing Muay Thai training multiple times a week, every week for 3 months now, I absolutely love it. The punching, the kicking, the elbowing. It’s such a practical fighting style and technique for a street fight. So let me share you with you some life lessons learned from

Being able to fight to some degree may save your life too. While you should avoid fighting at all costs (a bruised ego is better that a bruised body), god forbid you find yourself in a street fight where your life is in danger and you have no choice.

How to Survive a Street Fight
The following is from Mike Cernovich’s now defunct Danger and Play blog. This is life saving advice and needs to be on the internet. As someone who’s been in 3 street fights personally over the course of my life (one in America, one in Thailand, one in Vietnam), who does

You're a yes man

You lack the enforcement of boundaries because you don't love yourself enough. That's a yes man.

Too afraid to rock the proverbial boat, particularly with women. The truth though is that women want you to lay down the law, they get turned on by it and find it attractive because they feel safe under your leadership.

With men and boundaries, you let guys run rough shot over you, not standing up for yourself when you should.

The result?

Bitterness and resentfulness. A slow poison that you drink everyday.

When you stop being a yes man and enforce boundaries, you start to take back yourself respect.

You also start to feel better about yourself because you know at a subconscious level that when you're too much of yes man, too much of not wanting to "rock the boat," you're betraying yourself.

You're putting that awful, piece of shit person who's not treating you the way they should above yourself.

So stop being a yes man. Get comfortable with being aggressive when need be. People will respect you more as a result.

I know it's uncomfortable enforcing boundaries, particularly with women. But you have to properly defend yourself.

It's better to get uncomfortable and stand up for yourself then to walk away feeling resentful.

You're out of shape

Weak men are out of shape, plain and simple...

Work on your physicality. You will look better, age better, and become more attractive to women which is no small thing. Particularly today when most of your male competition is fat or obese.
Just being a fit guy does wonders for my sex life as the competition is mediocre. It's an easy way to stand out with women; and with men, you look more competent, intelligent and you have it together.
As such, you're treated with more respect and people will not mess with you as you look like a capable man.
You also have the advantage of having good (hopefully) hormone levels to build muscle, so build a good foundation in your 20s instead of being a mediocre man.

7 Simple ways to Set Yourself Up for Success

I was in pretty decent shape as a teenager.

Then I graduated High School, then the Air Force, then College, then working full time, then teaching English abroad in Thailand.

Guess what?

I still thought of myself when I was 30 as the 18 year old boy I was.

But I wasn't.

At all.

Rice belly, a-cup titties, chicken wings for arms. It really hit me when I simply looked at a picture of myself as an English teacher when I was around 30 years old.

"Whoa, that's what I look like?!"

It was at this point I began my own personal fitness journey. Learning how to eat, what supplements to take, how to actually lift weights and work out.

The thing is, it only took me about 6 months to get back to looking good. So it does depend on where you're starting from, maybe you're obese and have years in front of you to turn around the proverbial ship that is your body.

But you're here, you're alive.

You're flying into the future whether you like it or not, so where do you want to be next year?

In the same spot?


the reality is you won't be in the same spot.

You'll be worse off.

You'll be in an older, fatter, aging body.

That is hell.

That is a hard life.

So get in shape. Lock down your fitness, it's the basics for having success in all other areas of your life.

Dead end job (comfort)

I wrote a whole diatribe on why you should never have a job:

26 Reasons Why You Should Never Have a JOB
I used to watch this show called The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch while at University (I’m dating myself now!). I loved the stories of people doing something creative to make more money than they ever did before. This show was a source of hope and inspiration for me

The low IQ read this and message me thinking I mean to never work, to be lazy and let others take care of everything.

No you idiots.

I just mean you should strive to not have a job at some point. Again, I've had plenty of jobs.

Burger King, a waiter, life guard, internal auditor at PWC, crew chief in the Air Force, English teacher in Thailand.

You learn a lot from jobs, but long term it's best to join the 1099 superior race.

Weak men however sink into comfort, comfort of being in a dead end job and not striving for more.

Look, I was an English teacher for a few years in Thailand making 33,000 Baht a month ($850 a month).

That's a dead end job. But I was working hard on other things. Long term I did not see myself as just an English teacher.

It was madness honestly.

Making websites, working on YouTube, email marketing, Fiverr. Cobbling together an online income that could free me from being a broke English teacher.

This is in contrast to your typical Joe Shmoe, weak man who just settles into their lot in life.

Weak men have a lack of discipline

When strong men have power, they refrain from using it. Weak men however abuse power when they get access to it.

The weak man also lacks discipline. Going to the gym, doing the work your should be doing, breaking your negative patterns that repeat and repeat.

As we age particularly past 30 (40 is when the report card comes in btw) the scoreboards of life really start being apparent.

Peoples decisions start having major impacts that are not easily corrected.

Their physique, financial status, life quality, achievements, relationships will become drastically different.

98% of people do not sacrifice

They don't drop their silly bad habits. Weed, regular drinking, partying on the weekends, womanizing, hard core drugs...

These are the usual culprits.

They are not disciplined and consistent. They don't say no to things. They don't pick a thing, focus, accept risk and commit to it.

The few that do however though, end up living lives other grow to envy.

As you achieve more and more, the trench between you, the person you were and the people you knew becomes wider and wider.

Your life will shine a bright light on the short comings of others.

So give up all your bullshit to focus on what matters. Yes, this is painful.

But nowhere near as painful as transporting yourself 5 years into the future after making zero progress in your life.

Stuck in the same place because you clung to comfort like like a weak man.

Don’t Waste Your Life (A Warning)
I remember listening to this monologue on happiness by Ben Stein. Why are some happy and other not? Why are some living in a default state of joy and others wishing “if only”. The answer was brilliantly simple. The ones that are unhappy are people who let their parents or

Final words for signs you're a weak man

It's okay to struggle in life. No one has it all figured out.

But it's not okay to always be struggling. To always be in some sort of mini crisis.

If you're a weak man, it's not permanent. You can change, and drastically so for the better once you make the decision to do so.

The gap between your real self and your ideal self is yours alone to solve.

Bridge that gap. You got this.