How To Pick Up and Attract Women and Keep Them Vying For Your Love, Attention and Affection

Warning: This post is rude, crude and lewd. Reader discretion is advised.

How To Pick Up and Attract Women and Keep Them Vying For Your Love, Attention and Affection

Hello gentlemen, if you're having trouble with women I have the answer for you.

If you're reading online about how to pick up and keep women I have the answer for you.

If you've been getting the run around from that girl you meet online or down the street I have the answer for you.

If you haven't been laid in a year I have the answer for you.

If you're girlfriend is withholding sex I have the answer for you.

If you have a hard time keeping women around I have the answer for you.

It's not going to be the answer you think it is and it isn't pretty.

How to pick up and attract women is on sale by charlatans all over the internet but I'm going to give it to you for free.

It's got nothing to do with being a better man, it's got nothing to do with getting in the gym and building muscles, and it's got nothing to do with pick-up artist or ‘game' baloney.

*Please note, all these are important. Money, muscles, game, frame as it's called.


There is 1 rule above all others that must be followed if you wish to have undying affection, attention and love from women.

Now, before I give you the holy grail I want you to do something for me. I want you to be completely honest with yourself about what you want in a girl. It will make this process a whole lot easier.

A lot of guys have been bamboozled by TV, YouTube, schooling and a whole bunch of other nonsense.

Some guys actually believe they should want a “strong, independent” sassy woman who's a bit chubby and over 35 because that's a "real woman" who knows her worth now.

Rather, they (women) want you to believe that's what you should want so they can capitalize on their sexual strategy.

Have fun in their 20's, try and lock it down with Mr. Tall and Handsome, sleeve tattoo guy, but oops, they didn't, so now they have their beta Bob with a good job waiting as their backup.

Men are scared to admit the truth to themselves.


they can't actually get what they want. They've bought into and incorporated the shamming tactics women use into their psyche.

You're a bad person if you find an attractive 22 year old girl attractive. The only reason you want a young beautiful women is because of CIIP.

C = Control and manipulate.

I = Insecure.

I = Intimidated.

P = Pedo

The truth is that men love women who are demure, feminine, and polite.

Women have it twisted, they think the party never ends. There's always another guy, they don't have to actually pick a guy and work with him and that it's okay to treat men as disposable.

The unfortunate thing is that a lot of guys let women get away with this low class behavior, in hopes of getting some sex due to a scarcity mindset.

These guys let women pretend to be strong and independent.

Friend, those are male traits, those aren't female traits and they never will be. If you wanted “just one of the guys” you'd be a homosexual, not a straight man.

You want a girl.

You want a girl who isn't ashamed of being a girl.

Men love femininity.

Feminine girls love masculine men.

We don't like women who act like men. And the guys still pretending got to give this BS a rest.

Women want to make men happy.

Once you realize that, you can forget about the nonsense of equality. The “fight for equality” is nothing more than a war between the sexes.

Now that you are honest with yourself it makes what I'm about to tell you that much easier to put into action.

Once you stop believing in that baloney it's going to turn you into a testosterone machine irresistible to women and girls.

Let me be clear about something: 

The rule I'm about to give you works for all women, from the sassy, independent sex and the city wannabe's to the good ol' country girls raised in the church to the girls from a 3rd world country to girls from outer space and beyond.

How to Attract Women

This is the only thing you ever have to do to a) Get women and b) Keep women.

If you read online about how to pick-up women you're always going to read about alpha males and beta males.

An Alpha male is the top dog and beta males collect the scraps. Bunch of nincompoops will write pages and pages about “being Alpha” but none of them will ever boil it down to what it really means.

Well, today I am going to tell you exactly what makes an Alpha Male.

It ain't looks, money, social skills, leadership abilities, social status, height or anything else.

These things matter very much but they aren't #1.

This isn't a nice piece of advice but it is the 100% unadulterated truth.

If you follow all other ways to become attractive to women but ignore this advice you will fail.

Here is the only piece of advice you will ever need to attract and keep women:


That's it.

It takes a selfish, focused man to have a woman or women completely devoted to his happiness.

Alpha simply means ‘to be selfish'. And women love selfish men who are busy and focused on their own goals and ambitions.

An Alpha is completely unafraid of being selfish.

Alpha literally means ‘first'.

It's a selfish ‘me-first' attitude.

What does an alpha Lion do?

He sits around while the women go out and hunt for him. When they bring the food back what does the alpha Lion do?

He eats first.

Pretty selfish, huh?

The Lion doesn't tolerate others eating before him. The best food is his. The alpha Lion doesn't let other, lesser males mate with his pride.

The Lion doesn't act in a fair and noble manner. The Alpha Lion doesn't raise other Lion's children.

He's selfish. And because he is selfish, the Lionesses do everything to make him happy.

Now, I know a lot of guys will say “man, that's a real douchebag thing to say!” to which I only have one reply: I hope you enjoy jacking off.

Political incorrectness does not make something false.

Women line up for the selfish man who is busy and focused on doing what they need to do to obtain wealth, status and to live life on their terms.

Women run as fast as they can away from the guys who aren't selfish.

It takes a delusional mind to think that women want a nice guy who brings them flowers and compliments their beauty and does everything to make them happy.

Women like these things, but only from the man they are already attracted to.

The man is the leader. That's all there is to it. When the man is most concerned with her happiness, guess what she is most concerned about.

That's right, she is most concerned with her happiness.

When you are most concerned with your happiness guess what she is most concerned about. Right again, she is concerned about your happiness.

She takes her cues from you – never forget that.

A woman with an unselfish man, one who will do everything for her, is like a dog with a weak owner.

The dog is unhappy because it has no boundaries or rules. The owner is unhappy because the dog acts like an asshole. When the dog has a firm owner and knows its boundaries it is a whole lot happier, and the owner is happy because he's got himself a loving, obedient dog.

When a woman has herself a man who sets boundaries on her she is a whole lot happier.

Does this sound familiar?

What the heck does she see in him? He's such a prick! She's way too good for him! If she was with me I'd treat her like a princess!”

That's exactly why she will never ever be with guys who say this nonsense. She doesn't want to date a soft guy who has no standards for himself or for her. She wants to date a selfish alpha who's future prospects look great.

She want to be with him and make him happy and enjoy the benefits of being with a winner.

She's disgusted by the thought of someone wanting to treat her like a princess and groveling for her affection. A selfish alpha simply demands her affection. If she doesn't give it there are a whole lot more women who will.

If your brain works properly then you have noticed that women who are completely, head over heels in love are never in love with a “super nice guy”.

They're in love with guys who are selfish, focused, determined and busy.

If you treat women like women they'll sit around in skimpy outfits feeding you grapes. If you treat women like men you'll get nothing but an earful about how unfairly she is treated and how you need to respect her and then she's gonna go out and get fucked by a selfish alpha who treats her like a woman.

Do you get it yet?

So what do you have to do to get women?

You got to get rid of the nice guy act. Just do what you want to do, when you want to do it and don't put up with bullshit.

Only be concerned with what you want.

Be completely, unapologetically selfish.

It's your way or the highway.

Learn your new favorite word: “no”.

If she does something you don't like then you be selfish and tell her.

Never, ever pretend that what she did is ok. Never pretend that she is an Angel who can do no wrong.

If she's acting like a brat tell her to stop acting like a brat.

If she cooked food that doesn't taste good then tell her it isn't good. If she looks fat in that dress tell her she looks fat. 

Lying to protect her feelings only makes her delusional about what is and isn't acceptable.

Never pretend that she is a man or “just one of the guys."

She's a woman. When you treat her like a woman she's gonna act like a woman.

Let me tell you something that most people are afraid to say: Women are water. They will change themselves for a man. That's a woman's nature. It doesn't make her a bad person.

She wants to change into the woman you want her to be.

Let her. Help her.

You aren't doing her any favors by encouraging bad behavior, but you are doing her a big favor when you act like a man who knows exactly what he wants – and gets it.

What would a selfish man do?

Would he take turns doing the dishes? No.

Would he accompany her to her co-workers wedding? No.

Would he grovel and beg for forgiveness for anything? No.

Would he massage her shoulders for an hour? No.

Would he feel bad about being such an asshole? No.

Would he put up with bitchy behavior? No.

Would he take her silly tests seriously? No.

Would he be ok with her seeing other guys? No.

Would he forgive her for betraying him? No.

Would he spend 3 months salary on a ring? No.

Would he put up with flaky behavior? No.

Would he take her out to a fancy dinner on the first date? No.

Would he say “please can you bring me a cup of coffee sweetie“? No. He says “bring me a coffee“.

Is he scared that if he isn't nice enough she will leave him for someone better? No.

Is he afraid to show her the door if she doesn't act the way he wants? No.

Would he use her as a tool for his own happiness? Yes.

Would she love him with all of her heart and soul?

You better believe it.

Would she stay with him if he turned into a super nice guy who put her happiness first?

Sure. For a while.

But she'd be getting dicked down on the side by a selfish lover.

Guys – Jordan Peterson said it best:

“women are more interested in people and men tend to be more interested in things”.

You can be a liar and pretend this isn't so, and drive her away in the process, or you can act like a man, a winner, and let her make you happy by being selfish and focused on your own goals, aspirations and desires.

She can become a part of your world or you can become part of her world.

The choice is yours.