Follow Your Dreams (and End Up Broke!)

When I first heard this from one of my business law professors way back in college, I thought it was brilliant:
“Follow your dreams and the money will follow, follow the money and you’re like everyone else."
This was a small one liner in his parting speech to us as we wrapped up our final exam and prepared to traverse the long distances through the blustery December night back to our little hole in the wall that is known as a college dorm.
This little saying hit many of us hard.
It forced us to reexamine why we were getting a degree in a certain field. God knows I don’t want to be the guy that chases money but is unhappy.
I don't want to be "like everyone else."
Now I just think it’s just eloquent bullshit to impress average people.
"Passion" is term basic personal development sites and self proclaimed “life coaches” (and other new age junk food types) always harp on as if it’s some magic formula for success.
That if you follow your passion or dreams things will workout in the long run.
This does a disservice because it confuses everyone who does believe they are "passionate" about something to question why they are not leading abundant lives.
It's not enough
Passion is not the sole requirement for success, it's not even part of the equation to be honest.
Instead of following your dreams, serve an audience. This takes a cross section of: