7 Age Gap Dating Realities as a 40+ Year Old Guy
Alright fine, I'll step my foot into the bear trap.

I know...
I'm a bad person...
I should only be dating big fat white ladies who are over 35 years old with short brown hair...
...or single moms who are now "amazing and awesome" and "know their worth" and need a "real man."

Girls like men.
Not old men, just men.
I had no intention of being that guy, a 40 year old dating someone with a 15+ year age gap.
I would have loved nothing more than to have been in my late 20's / early 30's and to have meet a nice 22-26 year old girl.
But I wasn't good enough for anyone when I was younger. I wasn't tall enough, cool enough, popular enough, successful enough.
I just wasn't enough for a quality woman.

So I had to do the work on myself.
The end result was access to attractive, younger women at an older age.
One thing I find frustrating talking with a majority of women like certain female family members I won't mention, both of whom say I shouldn't even look at women younger than 35, is that they have no clue how hard it is to become attractive as a man.
As a girl, they just get attention from men because they exist and don't have to deal with the same struggles of dating that most men do - specifically that men have to compete for access to women.
They also think like a woman - if they're 27, well gee golly, they're just so "amazing and mature" that they would never date a guy who's 22 years old - they need a man not a boy.
They think their ingrained female preference is somehow a virtue.
Newsflash, you and every other 27 year old women would never date a guy younger than yourself.
Unless you're some natural "Chad" who women find physically attractive, most guys have to really put in the work to get access to women.
But if you do the work, and do get access to younger women, here are some realities of age gap dating you need to be aware of.
#1 - You may be too old for a lot of girls
Red pill weirdos love to talk all day about how women hit the wall (they do and women hate that they lose leverage over men).
But men, you don't have forever either.
I'm clear proof that you can age quite well as a man. So much so it gets noticed by people online (I'm really not bragging with this):

My whole point here is that yes you can look sexy and strong as a guy into your late 30's and 40's and still get A LOT of sexual attention from girls.
It's not like there is some sort of rule that goes "welp I'm 40 now, time to be fat and bald."
I have zero issue getting dates and having sex each week.
But the funny thing is, is that a portion of girls will stop looking at you as someone they want to date seriously.
Wait, what?
Yes, read that again.
I've gone out with quite a few girls who liked me, were into me, great sex, but said they would prefer to date someone more around their age.
We still continued going out after they said this, but it was a new conversation I noticed having with young women once I hit 38 years old or so.
It is what it is.
A girl that's 22 generally wants a guy in his late 20s or early 30's.
So for age gap dating, it does become an issue for some attractive girls.
Sure, they'll go out with you, date you casually, but they may not see you as someone they want to be there man.
There are always exceptions, but don't be surprised if you're a bit too old for girls now to take you seriously now.
#2 Girls find it kind of kinky to be with an "older man."
Young guys tend to think that girls around their age are only interested in guys of a similar age or slightly older.
No way would a girl who's 22 ever would go out with a guy who's 36.
Wrong boys, so wrong.
If you're a young guy, you're going to be surprised by how much more fun dating becomes once you hit your 30's if you do the work.